Egan v Ramsey Meats Pty Limited (In Liquidation), Long And Parker [1997] NSWEOT; in employment
Quach v J Robins (Chippendale) Pty Ltd [1999] NSWADT 63; in employment
Dutt v Central Coast Area Health Service [2002] NSWADT 133; in employment, and victimisation
Murphy v David Jones Limited [2002] NSWADT 140; in employment
Riley v Western College of Adult Education [2002] NSWADT 210; in employment
Sleiman v Kmart Australia Limited [2003] NSWADT 21; in the provision of goods and services
FP and FQ on behalf of FR -v- Department of Education and Training [2003] NSWADT 68; in education, and victimisation
King & Anor v Meilman East Pty Limited & Ors [2004] NSWADT 46; in employment
Simundic v University of Newcastle [2004] NSWADT 206; in education, and disability discrimination and victimisation
Kumaran v Rail Infrastructure Corporation & Anor [2005] NSWADT 30; in employment
Dates (Worimi) v Director General, NSW Land and Housing Corporation as agent for the Aboriginal Housing Corporation [2005] NSWADT 221; in provision of services
VN on behalf of VO v Office of the Board of Studies NSW [2006] NSWADT 106; in provision of services
Jack and others v Northern Territory Police, Discombe and Giles No 2 of 2009, Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission; in the provision of services (strike out application)
Arnesen v Commissioner, NSW Department of Corrective Services [2008] NSWADT 294; in provision of services
Dezfouli v Justice Health [2010] NSWADT 167; in provision of services
Hendrickson v Yarra Bay 16 ft Skiff Sailing Club Ltd [2011] NSWADT 37; in employment, and victimisation; attributed liability and directors’ liability
Newchurch v Centreprise Resource Group Pty Ltd, Mr Graham Ride and Ms Sarah Ride 2016, Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission, H2015002-01; in employment, and victimisation