Access to justice, and the public interest

Criminal Legal Aid in the World’ in Elgar Encyclopedia of Crime and Criminal Justice, 2023 [pdf on SSRN]

What does a social justice lawyer need to know?’ (2022) 47(2) Alternative Law Journal 91-94 [pdf on SSRN]

Bentham Redux: examining a right of access to law‘, in Andreas von Arnauld, Kerstin von der Decken and Mart Susi (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of New Human Rights: Recognition, Novelty, Rhetoric, Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp. 541-554 [publisher’s page]

Reasoning a Human Right to Legal Aid‘, in A Flynn, J Hodgson (ed.), Access to Justice and Legal Aid: Comparative Perspectives on Unmet Legal Need, Hart Publishing, Oxford United Kingdom, 2017, pp. 195-219 [googlebooks]

About the Legal System: Fundamental concepts; Courts‘ in The Law Handbook: Your Practical Guide to the Law in NSW ,15th Edition, 2019, Thomson Reuters

The Meaning(s) of Public Interest in Law‘, in Bob Douglas and Jo Wodak (ed.), Who speaks for and protects the public interest in Australia? Essays by notable Australians, Australia21, Canberra, pp. 24-25

Public Interest Litigation: Making the case in Australia‘, (2013) 38(4) Alternative Law Journal 219, with Andrea Durbach, Luke McNamara, and Mark Rix

Are CLCs Finished?‘, (2012) 37(1) Alternative Law Journal 16

Access to a Lawyer in Rural Australia: Thoughts on the Evidence We Need‘,  (2011) 16(1) Deakin Law Review 13

Access to law in the year 2525: a managed approach to change‘ (1999) 24 (2) Alternative Law Journal 62 [pdf]

Legal aid: a domestic diagnosis‘,  (1994) 19(6) Alternative Law Journal 276 

Anti-discrimination law

Research grants

Australian Research Council Discovery Grant, 2020: ‘Religious freedom, LGBT+ employees, and the right to discriminate’, jointly with Professor Douglas Ezzy, Associate Professor Angela Dwyer and Dr Louise Richardson-Self, and Professor Lori G Beaman


LGBTQ+ non-discrimination and religious freedom in the context of government funded faith-based education, social welfare, health care, and aged care’, (2022) Journal of Sociology, with Lori Beaman, Angela Dwyer, Douglas Ezzy, Bronwyn Fielder and Louise Richardson-Self [available to download]

‘Commentary: Eatock v Bolt [2011] FCA’ in Nicole Watson and Heather Douglas (eds), Indigenous Legal Judgments: Bringing Indigenous Voices into Judicial Decision Making, Routledge, 2021 [SSRN]

Thoughts on race, discrimination, law, and justice‘ (2020) Mosaic 8-14 [Sydney University Law Society] [pdf]

Australian Anti-discrimination and Equal Opportunity Law, The Federation Press, Sydney, Australia, 2008 (1st ed) with Neil Rees and Kate Lindsay; 2014 (2nd ed) with Neil Rees and Dominique Allen;  2018 (3rd ed) with Neil Rees and Dominique Allen, [publishers page]; (reviewed by Karon Monaghan QC, 2009 9(4) Human Rights Law Review 691)

And Which ‘Equality Act’ Would that Be?‘, in Margaret Thornton (ed.), Sex Discrimination in Uncertain Times, ANU ePress, Canberra, pp. 197-234

Discriminating for World Peace‘, in Jeremy Farrall and Kim Rubenstein (ed.), Sanctions, Accountability and Governance in a Globalised World, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2009, pp. 355-377 [SSRN]

Casenote: Joan Monica Maloney v The Queen‘, (2013) 8(7) Indigenous Law Bulletin 28

Staring Down the ITAR: Reconciling Discrimination Exemptions and Human Rights Law‘, (2011) 10(2) Canberra Law Review 97

It just doesn’t ADD Up: ADHD/ADD, the Workplace and Discrimination‘, (2010) 34(2) Melbourne University Law Review 359 with Bruce Arnold, Patricia Easteal and Simon Easteal

It’s a Discrimination Law Julia, But Not As We Know It: Part 3-1 of the Fair Work Act‘, (2010) 21(1) Economic and Labour Relations Review 13, with Cameron Roles [pdf download]

Tribunal decisions

Go to Tribunal decisions here.

Human rights law

Research grants

Australian Research Council Discovery Grant, 2020: ‘Religious freedom, LGBT+ employees, and the right to discriminate’, jointly with Professor Douglas Ezzy, Associate Professor Angela Dwyer and Dr Louise Richardson-Self, and Professor Lori G Beaman


‘Submission to the 2023 Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Framework’, 6 July 2023 [pdf]


LGBTQ+ non-discrimination and religious freedom in the context of government funded faith-based education, social welfare, health care, and aged care’, (2022) Journal of Sociology, with Lori Beaman, Angela Dwyer, Douglas Ezzy, Bronwyn Fielder and Louise Richardson-Self [available to download]

Allowing for Dissent: Opening up Human Rights Dialogue in the Australian Parliament‘, in Julie Debeljak and Laura Grenfell (eds), Law Making and Human Rights, Thomson Reuters, 2020, Chapter 4 [pdf on SSRN]

Bentham Redux: examining a right of access to law‘, in Andreas von Arnauld, Kerstin von der Decken and Mart Susi (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of New Human Rights: Recognition, Novelty, Rhetoric, Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp. 541-554 [publisher’s page]

‘Culture, What Culture?’ Why We Don’t Know if the ACT Human Rights Act is Working’, in Matthew Groves, Janina Boughey, Dan Meagher (eds), The Legal Protection of Rights in Australia, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2019, pp. 185-205 [pdf on SSRN]

Reasoning a Human Right to Legal Aid‘, in A Flynn, J Hodgson (ed.), Access to Justice and Legal Aid: Comparative Perspectives on Unmet Legal Need, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2017, pp. 195-219 [SSRN]

The International Law of Human Rights, Oxford University Press, Melbourne Australia, with Adam McBeth and Justine Nolan, 2011 (1st ed); 2017 (2nd ed) [publisher’s page]; (reviewed by Dr Fleur Johns, (2013) 13 Human Rights Law Review 609)

‘Are we there yet?’ Measuring human rights sensibilities‘, (2014) 20(1) Australian Journal of Human Rights, 67-97 with Denise Meyerson and Kate Ogg

Human rights issues relating to African refugees and immigrants in Australia‘, Background paper for African Australians: A review of human rights and social inclusion issues, Australia, Australian Human Rights Commission, 2010 [pdf download]

Sustainable Advocacy: Capabilities and attitudes of Australian human rights NGOs, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights and Australian Human Rights Centre, 2007, with Scott Calnan

A Human Right to Legal Aid‘, in P Dalton and H Thelle (ed.), Legal Aid: International experiences and promising practices for legal aid providers, Danish Institute for Human Rights, Denmark, 2007, pp. 15-26.

Retreat from Injustice: Human Rights in Australian Law, The Federation Press, Sydney, Australia, with Nick O’Neill and Roger Douglas, 2004 (2nd ed) [publisher’s page]; (reviewed by Justine Nolan (2004) 27(3) UNSW Law Journal 926)

Law reform

New Directions for Law in Australia: Essays in Contemporary Law Reform, ANU Press, 2017 (editor, with Ron Levy, Molly Townes O’Brien, Pauline Ridge, and Margaret Thornton)

‘Reviewing reforms to the law of suspended sentences in the Australian Capital Territory’, (2012) 14(2) Flinders Law Journal 253, with Lorana Bartels

Law reform inquiry reports

Legal education

Research grants

Australian Office for Learning and Teaching Council Innovation & Development Grant 2013: ‘Filling the Social Justice Gap’, jointly with Dr Susan Banki, Associate Professor Mary Anne Kenny, Dr Lisa Hartley, Dr Matthew Stubbs, Dr Phil Orchard, Ms Laurie Berg, Ms Paghona Peggy Kerdo, and Mr Paul Duffill.

Australian Learning and Teaching Council Priority Project Grant 2010: ‘Strengthening Australian legal education by integrating clinical experiences: identifying and supporting effective practices’, jointly with Professor Adrian Evans, Professor Jeff Giddings, Assoc Professor Mary Anne Noone, Assoc Professor Anna Cody, and Ms Anna Copeland


‘Not teaching law’ (2023) The Law Teacher

What does a social justice lawyer need to know?’ (2021) Alternative Law Journal [pdf on SSRN]

Review: “Imperatives for Legal Education Research: Then, Now and Tomorrow” (Routledge, 2020)‘,  2020 UNSW Law Journal Forum 1-10.

‘Finally an academic approach that prepares you for the real world’: simulations for human rights skills development in higher education’, (2019) 2(1) Human Rights Education Review 70, with Fiona McGaughey, Lisa Hartley, Susan Banki, Paul Duffill, Matthew Stubbs, Phil Orchard, Laurie Berg, and Peggy Kerdo

Australian Clinical Legal Education: Designing and Operating a Best Practice Clinical Program in an Australian Law School. Australia: ANU Press, 2017 with Adrian Evans, Anna Cody, Anna Copeland, Jeff Giddings, Peter Joy and Mary Ann Noone.

Why Prescriptive Legal Education Demands Critical Perspectives‘, Chapter 13 in Kevin Lindgren, François Kunc and Michael Coper (eds), The Future Of Australian Legal Education: A Collection, Lawbook Co, Sydney, 2018, pp 217-228 [SSRN].

Social Justice Exercise Manual. Canberra: Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching, 2016, with  Susan Banki, Matthew Stubbs, Paul Duffill, Lisa Hartley, Fiona McGaughey, Peggy Kerdo, Phil Orchard, and Laurie Berg.

Filling the Social Justice Gap: Social Justice Simulations: Final Report, Canberra, Australia: Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching, 2016, with  Susan Banki, Matthew Stubbs, Paul Duffill, Lisa Hartley, Fiona McGaughey, Peggy Kerdo, Phil Orchard, and Laurie Berg.

Strengthening Australian legal education by integrating clinical experiences: identifying and supporting effective practices – Final Report, Australia: Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching, 2013, with Adrian Evans, Anna Cody, Anna Copeland, Jeff Giddings, Peter Joy and Mary Ann Noone.

‘Assessing – But Not Grading – Clinical Legal Education’, Macquarie Law Working Paper No. 2007-16, December 2007 [SSRN]

A Guide to Implementing Clinical Teaching Method in the Law School Curriculum, Centre for Legal Education, 1996, with Graeme Cross, [review, Legal Education Digest; review, Alternative Law Journal]

Review of the Clinical Legal Education Program in the Law Faculty at the University Of New South Wales, Final Report, June 1991 [pdf]

Legal ethics

Our Common Future: The Imperative for Contextual Ethics in a Connected World‘, in Reid Mortensen, Francesca Bartlett, Kieran Tranter (ed.), Alternative Perspectives on lawyers and Legal Ethics: reimagining the profession, Routledge, UK, pp. 56-84, with Vivien Holmes [SSRN]

Social work and law

In the Shadow of the Law: the legal context of social work practice, The Federation Press, Sydney, 3rd ed 2009, edited with Phillip Swain; 4th edition 2014, edited with Andrew Day and retitled Social Work in the Shadow of the Law; 5th edition 2018, edited with Andrew Day and Linda Briskman  [publisher’s page]

Courts and Tribunals‘, in Rice, Day and Briskman (ed.), Social Work in the Shadow of the Law, The Federation Press, Sydney, Australia, 5th ed 2018.

Evidence‘, in Rice, Day and Briskman (ed.), Social Work in the Shadow of the Law, The Federation Press, Sydney, Australia, 5th ed 2018.

Tribunal decisions

Go to Tribunal decisions here.