... on human rights law

‘The challenges of human rights law reform’, Ten Years of the ACT Human Rights Act: Continuing the Dialogue, Centre for International Governance and Justice, Australian National University, 1 July 2014

‘Why my age is my concern, not yours: ageism, law and human rights’, address to Rights, respect, recognition: a new deal for older Australians, COTA Australia’s National Policy Forum, 23 July 2013 (pdf)

... on anti-discrimination law

‘“A Sword and Not a Shield”: on Latham’s Religious Freedom Laws’ interview with Paul Gregoire, Sydney Criminal Lawyers, 17 April 2021

‘Why free speech comes at a price: reflections on race, civility and the law’, inaugural Sladen Legal Research Seminar Address, Deakin University, 31 July 2014 [paper here; video part 1 (12’44”) here; video part 2 (14’36’) here]

‘Basic Instinct: The Heroic Project of Anti-Discrimination Law’, The Mitchell Oration, Equal Opportunity Commission of South Australia, 19 October, 2013

... on law and social justice

Social justice and the law in action, interview, NSW Law Week, 21 May 2021

From charity to politics: Reflections on the pursuit of social justice: Campion Lecture, St Aloysius College, 4 March 2021 [pdf] [video, 54′]

On police and protesting; interview with Paul Gregoire, The Big Smoke, 24 October 2020

What does a social justice lawyer need to know?, paper to the national conference of the National Association of Community Legal Centres, 9 August 2017

... on legal education

Prize Giving address, ANU College of Law, 9 March 2011 [pdf]

‘Law reform and social justice in the curriculum’, National Indigenous Legal Conference 2010: Australian National University , Canberra, ACT [pdf]